This time last year I was very concerned about when we would be traveling to bring Myla home. We had received Referral Approval but were waiting on Travel Approval. More than that we were waiting for our updated home study to be process with the USCIS to gain approval to adopt Myla. With special needs children your home study must reflect what diagnosis you are "approved" for and willing to accept. Well, as you now know ours said club foot and anemia. The hysterical thing is it also said we were NOT open to SPINA BIFIDA!! OY! Ha-God's plan is so much bigger than ours. I have no doubt He knew that it would take baby steps to get us where we are today, where we were a year ago, where we were June 2010 when we met Myla, etc. I tell people often if He had revealed this path to us in 2007 when we started this process, when we had an almost 2 year old, 5 year old, and 7 year old, I would have shrunk in fear and honestly don't know if I would have said "yes" to His call. Isn't that just truly amazing that He knows each of us so intimately that He orchestrates a perfect and beautiful plan to accomplish His will. I LOVE reflecting on His sovereignty it is glorious!
On December 6th 2010, we received word through another family in China who were adopting a child from YaoYao's orphanage, that YaoYao was walking!!!!!! I can't tell you how thrilled we were to hear that! If you know us at all, my husband is the optimistic and I can be well...the glass half empty type. So although I was thrilled to hear this, and the information coming from the director, made me feel a little more confident it was true. But, I decided to believe it when I see it. I mean walking??? when she wasn't even moving her right leg when we were there less than 6 months ago? Could it be?? Well, on January 10th, as I saw our 16 month old daughter for the first time is 6+ months. A nanny was holding her. I was over joyed but the tears-lots of them- came when they put her down and she started walking. I know I must have looked like a fool being so emotional in front of the director and all the nannies. Glory be to Jesus, our little miracle baby is walking!!
On December 2, 2009 when Myla was just 3 months old, she had her first surgery to repair some form of spina bifida. We still are not sure exactly what it was-and will never know-but her report said meningocele which on a scale is moderate in severity. Myla does have some nerve impairments due to either her original diagnosis or her current one. After an MRI and CT scan we were told in July Myla has a split spinal cord. As you well know this is pretty WOW! Her cord goes down her back mid way in one piece and is then split by "a lot" of bone, then comes back together. This is the words the neurosurgeon used several times "a lot" of bone. She also has a tethered spinal cord which means that although the cord should move freely around in the spinal column, it is being held taunt. Myla will be having surgery Monday to repair her cord and remove the bone that is causing the split. This will involve drilling away not just the bone in the middle but the bone that faces her back. Below is a picture so you can have an idea of what I am talking about. Just envision all the bone inside the red triangle being drilled away, and so close to her cord! YIKES!

There are so many other strange anomalies with regards to her spine. It look like a mess, but Praise God, she is doing fantastic. We praise Him for how she is doing now and pray she will continue to have her mobility. We know full well though that with spina bifida things can drastically change as a child grows. Just because she can walk now doesn't mean she will always walk. I hesitate even saying this as I don't want it to appear that I have a lack of faith. The bottom line is that if God Almighty wants her to walk the rest of her life she will-and we are asking Him for this! And if for reasons we don't understand He chooses otherwise, we will still praise Him. For He alone is sovereign in ALL things!!! And I am so thankful for that truth!
Myla's surgery will be 8-10 hours long. She will have to remain flat for 48 hours and then she will be able to sit up for very brief periods but then lay flat for an additional 5 days. Her expected length of stay in the hospital is between 4 and 7 days. Below are the prayer requests that I have thought of at the moment. We would love your support in praying for each of these. I hope to update daily, at least briefly, the Praises and Requests of the day. If you would like to follow feel free. If you know someone who feels a burden to intercede on Myla's behalf feel free to pass this along.
**Pray for Myla's surgeon Dr. Roberts-that the Lord would use him in a mighty way and that he would see God's hand throughout the surgery and be drawn to Him!
1. No infections
2. No cerebral spinal fluid leakage
3. No nerve damage -i.e. paralysis, paresis, bladder, bowel, reproductive, etc.
4. That the surgery will improve the existing nerve damage
5. That she will feel secure and not afraid.
6. That she will comply with laying flat for 7 days.
7. That she will sleep well
8. That we will know clearly when she is in pain and be able to manage her pain
9. That she will eat
10. Peace of mind and heart for our 3 other children as they watch their sister walk this road
11. That God will give His strength to family that will be caring for our children throughout the week.
12. Last but not least-that we would see God's glory and praise Him through it all.
John 9:2-5
2And his disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" 3Jesus answered, "It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him. 4We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work. 5As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world."
We are trusting God to heal Myla completely. He has such an amazing plan for her, greater than we could ever imagine. This surgery is just a small portion of her life's testimony. I can't wait to see how the rest unfolds!
I'll close with a few pictures. If you hung in there this long the least I could do is show you some current pictures of our blessing from China!
Myla being silly in front of the HUGE tree at the hospital after pre-op.
Thanksgiving day
All 4 of my amazing children!
Summer vacation-drinking a HUGE malt! YUM!!